The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), established in 1970, is a crucial international agreement available to States that are parties to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (1883). This legal agreement streamlines the initial patent filing process, making it more accessible and cost-effective to file a patent application in numerous countries simultaneously.
The primary objective of the PCT is to facilitate the patent application process by allowing applicants to seek patent protection for their inventions in multiple countries through a single international patent application. This application is commonly referred to as an “international patent application” or simply a PCT application.
Any individual who is a national or resident of a Participating Country can file an international patent application. These participating countries, also known as Contracting States, are those that have ratified the Patent Cooperation Treaty.
The PCT process involves two main stages: the international stage and the national stage. During the international stage, a uniform patent application is filed, serving as the initial application for patent protection in any participating country. The subsequent national stage allows the application to be evaluated under the patent laws of each specific country where patent protection is sought.
The international application must be submitted to an authorized Receiving Office, which acts as the filing and formalities review entity for international applications. Receiving Offices are the Patent Offices of the countries that are PCT members.
In the United States, a foreign filing license is required if the invention was considered within the country. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office serves as a Receiving Office for U.S. residents and nationals, while the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization can also act as a Receiving Office.
The popularity of the PCT process stems from its cost-effectiveness and the flexibility it provides to applicants. Instead of filing in each participating country individually, the PCT process allows up to 30 months to decide in which countries to seek patent protection.
Applicants can take advantage of the 30-month period to assess the market and development of their invention before committing to specific countries for patent protection.
While obtaining international patent protection is not cheap, the PCT process is generally more affordable than filing separately in each participating country. It offers a strategic approach for large international companies and industries with global needs.
While the PCT process may be suitable for large corporations with international patent needs, it might be less practical for individual inventors. Consulting with a patent attorney is always advisable to receive customized advice on filing strategies based on individual circumstances.